Our school Governors have varied attributes and qualities, to qualify them to provide our leadership team with support, guidance, the opportunity for reflection and scrutiny and to enhance our overall practice.
Our Governors are very present in our school life and attend open days.
We formally present our Governors with data and evidence of progress throughout the year on agreed targets. The data from this will be published accordingly on the website and can be accessed in our main office.
The Governing Body fully recognises its responsibilities with regard to Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in accordance with Government guidance.
The Governing Body have agreed processes which allow them to monitor and ensure that the school:
• Has robust Safeguarding procedures in place.
• Operates safe recruitment procedures and appropriate checks are carried out on new staff and adults working on the school site.
• Has procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against any member of staff or adult on site
• Has a member of the Leadership Team who is designated to take lead responsibility for dealing with Safeguarding and Child Protection issues
• Takes steps to remedy any deficiencies or weaknesses with regard to Safeguarding arrangements.
• Is supported by the Governing Body nominating a member responsible for liaising with the LA and/or partner agencies in the event of allegations of abuse against the Principal; this is the Chair.
• Carries out an annual review of the Safeguarding policy and procedures.
• Carries out an annual Safeguarding Audit in consultation with the Governing body, sharing this with the LSCB on request.
Chair of Governors - Michael Squires - correspondance address 20 Rosslyn Road, Longton, ST3 4JD.
Governor responsible for Safeguarding complaints, information and budget :D Ankers
Governor responsible for Leadership and Management: D Ankers
Governor responsible for Premises and supervision of staff. Welfare, health and safety. : M Squires
Governor responsible for SMSC - Yuko Greatrex
Clerk to the Governors
S White
Our governors have a wide range of experience and expertise. They meet regularly and work in close partnership with the Principals to determine the aims, agree policies, targets, and priorities for the development of the school in order to continuously improve the standards of education and promote a safe and caring environment for the benefit of our Students. Governors have legal duties, powers, and responsibilities. However, they can only act together, not individually.
If you have any concerns or issues that you would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact the Chair of Governors, Michael Squires via a letter or call to our office 20, Rosslyn road, Longton, St3 4jd (01782315758)
Governors are appointed to help:
- By working in partnership with the Principles
- With the implementation of the School development Plan;
- Advise on spending the budget;
- Interview and select staff;
- Ensure that all aspects of the curriculum are taught.
Governors are:
- Parents;
- Staff ;
- Local Business Representatives;
- Community Representatives.
Parent Governors:
- Have a pupil in the School
- Are elected by parents;
- Serve, as other Governors, for four years.
Parent Governors bring the views of parents to the Governing Body, but they act and speak as individuals. They have equal status in the work of the Governing Body.
When our Parent Governors reach the end of their term of office, or if an individual resigns, parents will be invited to stand for election onto the Governing Body.
Code of Conduct
Every member of the Full Governing Body has agreed to abide by the Code of Conduct for school Governing boards.