Our commissioners are local schools and local authorities. We recognise that barriers to learning are often developed over a long period of time and may take some time to dissolve.
Intuition School operates Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with commissioners and ensures that commissioners understand and adopt our inclusive ethos and values.
The broad criteria for admission are as follows:
- ∙ Students aged 11– 16
- ∙ Students without a school place
- ∙ Students with persistent attendance problems
- ∙ Students with a range of additional needs such as social and emotional needs that create barriers to their learning
- ∙ Students who have an EHCP
- ∙ Students who have been permanently excluded from school and meet our criteria Admission Processes
- ∙ Referrals to IN-tuition School are made through the Principal via the LA.
- ∙ IN-tuition School gathers additional information from school/family/ services to build a fuller picture of the young person's needs.
- ∙ IN-tuition School invites the young person for an interview and initial assessment with parents. Other significant adults may be invited too.
- ∙ A start date is agreed, usually within 5 days of the interview.
- ∙ Each student receives an initial assessment to identify holistic needs, this also informs the date and exit strategy.
Intution School Placements (school roll)
In order to access a place on roll at Intuition School, the Local Authority must consult us on the email address below:
We will then process the consultation and identify if we can meet the young person's needs.